Sublime Forum

Creating a list of user variables in code eg C++


I’m thinking about writing a plugin for this (ha ha)
The functionality I’m looking for is:
Brings up a list which I can select from, that then inputs at caret/cursor:
Of all bool variables or all int variables, members, uint_8
(These Types would be filters so you can have all local bools, global ints and doubles, members that are doubles etc)
(Perhaps these type can be gleaned from language syntax)
With flags such as local and global.

I’ve watched some make your own plugin stuff by @OdatNurd so I might be able to attempt it, but before I get into it for at least several hours, does something like this exist already, and if so what is it etc etc?
Have looked at a couple of older posts but they’re 2018 so perhaps we’ve moved on…

ATB :unicorn: :skull_and_crossbones: