Sublime Forum

Create plugin that works while "Ctrl" is pushed


Hi people!

Is it possible make a plugin like Color Highlihter but that works with like on Komodo Edit? On Komodo, we see the color when we keep pushed the “Ctrl” key, and the color appears on a tooltip… I don’t like how Color Highlighter works, showing the colors automatically.

If this is possible, somebody can help me? =]




IRCC currently pressing only one modifier cannot trigger one package command. By the way it seems related to:

  1. #1371 Underline all clickable text elements when pressed ctrl
  2. #1475 New option to force some mouse-map shortcuts modifier order

For today seems you could change the package you want to, to toggle whether it will be working or not, after some command is performed.



The only way currently would be to check for keyboard state using ctypes to call OS API in a separate thread.


Map double-tap shift key to command