Sublime Forum

Create panel with input


It’s possible to create a panel with an input same as in the console panel?

at this moment I’m creating the panel with

self.window.run_command("show_panel", {"panel": "output.exec"})

But I don’t have the input available, and if I call to the input panel the previous panel will be hidden

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What are you trying to achieve?



no, it’s not currently possible to have an input panel and an output panel visible at the same time unfortunately (or indeed two of any type of panel - the console is a special case)



I’m developing a plugin that works with an external executable, now I’m implementing a console to run that comands, but I need to show the output in a panel. In this moment, I’m showing the input panel first and after showing the results in the panel. I thought it was a better way to do this, but now I know it’s not possible



Thanks, I was trying with your trick with the quick panel, but it’s not very comfortable have to use the tab key instead of the enter

thanks both for your replies



This would be on my want list for future improvements!
The ability to create console style input around an output panel or view/window?



The command Palette can accept an input and shows an output for options. It may not be intended to work this way, but it may work…

Also, you can open a file / tab, populate it, and then open up the input popup - this way the output remains open, you can edit / alter the data in it as you see fit, and it only closes if you close it. It can even be put into another group to ensure it stays focused…