Sublime Forum

Create auto brackets for specific symbol but only in certain files


Hello, I want that $ auto closes (like (),[],etc), but only in .tex, .md and .Rmd files.

So far, I have this that does the job, but across all file types:


in autopeso.sublime-snippet, and this as key shortcut:

        "keys": ["$"], 
        "command": "insert_snippet", 
        "args": {"name": "Packages/User/autopeso.sublime-snippet" }

How do I modify what I have to achieve what I want? Or do I need an entirely different setup?



You don’t need to create a separate snippet file. The insert_snippet command is enough for the task.
Here is the relevant keybinding for it

    "keys": ["$"],
    "command": "insert_snippet",
    "args": { "contents": "\\$$0\\$" },
    "context": [
            "key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "text.tex, text.html.markdown"

The context here restricts the keybinding for only LaTeX files (text.tex) and Markdown files (text.html.markdown). I am not sure what an .Rmd file is but you can check its base scope using Tools -> Developer -> Show Scope Name when you have an .Rmd file open and check it’s base scope and put it in the context accordingly.



Cool!!! thank you so much!