Sublime Forum

Consolas Font: Lines shifted upward


When I use Consolas as main font, lines shifted vertically upward corresponding to cursor and selection (known issue):

"font_face": "Consolas",

This is partially fixable by line padding options like this:

"line_padding_top": 3,
"line_padding_bottom": -3,

But! This settings also affect Command Palette (since it uses main font face in its input?) and in this case the text inside appears trimmed from the bottom during wrong positioning or border calculation.

Is there any way to set separate font face params to command palette or leave it default?

P.S. In the Find and other dialogs everything is ok and positioned correctly with this settings.



Would you mind linking the issue for this? I wasn’t aware there were any issues with Consolas – we use it as the default on Windows installs.

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That’s not the Consolas issue. @wbond You may need to add some default line_padding_top & line_padding_bottom to Widget - Adaptive.sublime-settings and Widget - Default.sublime-settings because every theme inherits them from Preferences.sublime-settings.

@koldoon As far as I can see you are using Soda Dark theme, you can create Widget - Soda Dark 3.sublime-settings file in Packages/User folder with next contents:

        "line_padding_top": 0,
        "line_padding_bottom": 0
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Thank you, Ihor! This really helps with command palette, but now instead of this I’ve got shifted line in the Find/Replace Widget : (



Just resize the panel to be smaller.



@wbond I use it on Mac, may be this is the reason. But I realised that Consolas is shifted in every editor (in IDEA for example) and this font has a really strange baseline. So i’ve got to tune every place where I want to use it, even in my own applications.

@FichteFoll Panel is as small as possible on the screenshot



Found the same issue was fixed in IDEA as well:



It sounds as if the font wasn’t designed to be used on a Mac :wink: