Sublime Forum

Confused with backticks in keybinds


I’m using a non-US keyboard where the key left of 1, under esc is used to insert accented characters - if a non accented character comes next, then both the special character ¸ and it are output. To output a backtick, altgr+7 is to be pressed.

I personally never use these accents, and have just relieved the key of any special meaning.

To get back to sublime, here are some confusing points:

{ "keys": ["¸"], ... },         // works when "tilde key" is pressed
{ "keys": ["alt+¸"], ... },     // does not work
{ "keys": ["ctrl+¸"], ... },    // does not work
{ "keys": ["`"], ... },         // works when altgr+7 is pressed
{ "keys": ["alt+`"], ... },     // works when alt+"tilde key" is pressed, does not work when ctrl+altgr+7 is pressed
{ "keys": ["ctrl+`"], ... },    // works when ctrl+"tilde key" is pressed, does not work when ctrl+altgr+7 is pressed

Basically, ` and ¸ without modifiers work as expected, but pressing modifier + ¸ (tilde key) works as if modifier + ` were pressed.

I can achieve what I’m after, but it leaves me with the following, which seems confusing considering it’s the same key:

{ "keys": ["¸"], ... },
{ "keys": ["alt+`"], ... },

I’m using Windows 7 with a Croatian keyboard layout (without dead keys).



is tilde a secondary function of ESC or is it a primary function of another key?



Tilde is the name I had given to the key in the image, so people with US keyboards can understand what I’m talking about. I don’t want to type in an actual tilde.

I want to type in ¸ (U+00B8 : CEDILLA) but sublime interprets it as a ` (backtick or U+0060 : GRAVE ACCENT) when pressed with a modifier.



to confirm: this is your keyboard layout, right?

I am not sure which layout you are using, the one I have here doesn’t have cedilla.



This is the layout I’ve got:



I am unable to set my system with your configuration. Maybe someone else can help you with this.

For you and others analyse this further you might enable console logging in your Sublime Console:


and press your key combinations to see which characters sublime is registering. One possibility is that an external source is activated on the keybindings you are using, so SublimeText is not even receiving some of these characters.