Sublime Forum

[Conditional ColorSchemes] Context-specific color schemes for files, folders, & extensions


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Conditional ColorSchemes allows you to define color schemes per file, folder, extension, and directory structure via RegEx patterns.  You can define as many RegEx patterns as you need, each with a different color scheme.

This plugin started as a response to this StackOverflow question.  I figured it might be generally useful for you guys, so I added some features in addition to the initial requirements and submitted it to PackageControl.



Folders & Directory Structures


Files & Extensions



Just a note that extension-based color schemes can also easily be accomplished with a syntax-specific color_scheme setting.



I believe that this plugin might allow for more fine-tuned control of color schemes, for example:

Packages/JavaScript/JSON.sublime-syntax affects:

  • .json
  • .sublime-settings
  • .sublime-menu
  • .sublime-keymap
  • .sublime-mousemap
  • .sublime-theme
  • .sublime-build
  • .sublime-project
  • .sublime-completions

A syntax-specific color scheme would apply to all of those file types, whereas this plugin would allow users to style each file extension separately.

Additionally, it allows directory structure + file extension combinations like:
^.*Sublime Text 3\\\\Packages\\\\.*\\.json$
if the include_FileName_In_FilePath setting is enabled.

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