Sublime Forum

Commenter - Persistent Bookmarks with Comments



I’ve seen this is the official way of communicating the availability of new plugin/packages.

I needed to make bookmarks with some comments when testing ST2 as source code browsing tool, while auditing some source code.
In my case I usually do a bunch of bookmarks in specific parts of the code with comments. Since I couldn’t find any package that suited my needs I develop a tiny plugin for that purpose.

It’s pretty simple, you basically use:
(Super + Ctrl + m) to create/modify the bookmarks and add your comment.
(Supper + Ctrl + b) to browse the comments, select and jump to.
(Supper + Ctrl + m) to remove the bookmark just empty the comment.

You can customize where to store the bookmarks DB files, as well as the naming convention you are willing to use as filename.
A bookmark DB is created per top folder that was imported in ST2, so that you can audit multiple source code trees at a time without mixing the bookmarks that belog to each project.

You can fetch the it at:





Very nice. I have been looking for something similar to eclipse’s bookmarking capabilities. I’d like to see it order the bookmarks alphanumerically to keep track of everything easily while coding but otherwise top shelf.



nice plugin. would you make it available in PackageControl?
Also a few feature req:

  • highlight lines with comments
  • list marks in current project (a project may contain multiple top folders)