I’ve seen this is the official way of communicating the availability of new plugin/packages.
I needed to make bookmarks with some comments when testing ST2 as source code browsing tool, while auditing some source code.
In my case I usually do a bunch of bookmarks in specific parts of the code with comments. Since I couldn’t find any package that suited my needs I develop a tiny plugin for that purpose.
It’s pretty simple, you basically use:
(Super + Ctrl + m) to create/modify the bookmarks and add your comment.
(Supper + Ctrl + b) to browse the comments, select and jump to.
(Supper + Ctrl + m) to remove the bookmark just empty the comment.
You can customize where to store the bookmarks DB files, as well as the naming convention you are willing to use as filename.
A bookmark DB is created per top folder that was imported in ST2, so that you can audit multiple source code trees at a time without mixing the bookmarks that belog to each project.
You can fetch the it at: