Sublime Forum

Command_pallete_history in API


Current the command_history in python API, only stores view specific commands. Keeping track also on the commands executed from the command_pallete would be quite useful.

Nevermind, I was pointer to the eventListener which solved the issue I think.

import sublime
import sublime_plugin

history = [("no history","")]

class ShowHistoryCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
    def run(self, edit):
        global history
        history_list = ["%s\n   %s" % pair for pair in history]
        flags = sublime.KEEP_OPEN_ON_FOCUS_LOST
        sublime.active_window().show_quick_panel(history_list, lambda x: print(x), flags)

class CaptureWindowCommand(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
    def appendCommand(self, cmd, args):
        global history
        item = (cmd, args)
        blacklist = ['show_panel', 'quick_panel', 'hide_panel']
        if cmd in blacklist: # skip opening panels etc.
        if item in history:  # skip duplicates
        limit = 20          # keep last 20
        history = history[:limit]
    def on_post_window_command(self, window, command_name, args):
        self.appendCommand(command_name, args)