Sublime Forum

Color Scheme Error


I’m new to Sublime and new to code so this is probably a no brainer for most of you, but I keep getting an Error Loading Color Scheme error. For whatever reason, the defalt color scheme when all black and white on me. I searched for color schemes and found one I liked. Loaded it, and now I get an error whenever I click anywhere. Furthermore, after uninstalling, rebooting, reinstalling, and rebooting, it continues to register the error. I’m lost here. If I cant get it straight, I’ll just have to quit on sublime.

Thanks in advance for your help.



Do you remember the name of the package you downloaded? If so, (assuming you did all this using Package Control), click on Tools > Command Palette, and type Package Control: Remove Package. Press enter. Select the offending package, and you should be good.

Alternatively, select a different color scheme. Open the same Command Palette again, and choose UI: Select Color Scheme. Then choose another one.



I followed the manual install instructions. The theme is Brogrammer. A friend directed me to a couple of files to delete, and now I don’t have the constant error, but I still can’t change the white on black theme to any other theme.



I figured it out. I’m sure it was user error, but the syntax defalted to plain text so none of the color schemes were functioning.

Thanks for your time and effort.

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