Sublime Forum

Color Scheme Builder


Yes, you’re right. But I was talking about nesting two different scopes. (I’ve been tinkering with punctuation recently, so that’s what I was thinking about specifically.) For example, if you take the following CSS:


“someclass” has a scope of: “source.css meta.selector.css entity.other.attribute-name.class.css”

While the dot has a scope of: “source.css meta.selector.css entity.other.attribute-name.class.css punctuation.definition.entity.css”

The way to style the punctuation in this case is to use a scope like “entity.other punctuation”.

In practice, this gets quite cumbersome. Here’s an example from one of my (probably misguided) styles:

    "name": "Green",
    "scope": ", entity.other.inherited-class,, entity.other.attribute-name, markup.inserted, at.tag.workflow, hash.tag.workflow, meta.task.completed.workflow punctuation",
    "settings": {
    	"background": "#99cc0005",
        "foreground": "#669900"
    "name": "Green Punctuation",
    "scope": " punctuation, entity.other.inherited-class punctuation, punctuation, entity.other.attribute-name punctuation, markup.inserted punctuation",
    "settings": {
        "foreground": "#99cc00"

I could be wrong, but this seemed to me to be the least painful way to write this out.

I would have preferred something like:, entity.other.inherited-class,, entity.other.attribute-name, markup.inserted {
	background:lighten(@green, 100);
	punctuation {

Does this make sense? :confused:


CSScheme - Create Color Schemes using CSS, SCSS or stylus

While conceding that I haven’t explored this in detail, it still seems to me that your theme-colouring could be simplified as indicated in my previous post. But I may be wrong :smile:

It is a shame, though, that we can’t use variables in a theme-file (I think TextMate can, if I recall correctly?).



I’m not entirely sure, either. That’s one of the reasons I wanted to raise the issue. If I’m simply going about this the wrong way, my hope is that someone would correct me. Also, editing the punctuation in this dogged manner is an experiment more than anything else. My original interest in this particular aspect came out of a legitimate question for styling Markdown. (See: Matching multiple scopes in color syntax ). What I think I am doing is using the cascade.

I just spent a couple minutes looking at the Espresso Soda theme, which tinkers with the punctuation of strings and they do it by editing (separately) the scopes for “string” and “string punctuation”. So I suspect there’s no better fix.

Edit: yes, variables would be great.



The only other suggestion I have it to explore the idea of stating the scope from the end, rather than the beginning :question:. So, for example, just scope “punctuation” and then also “something.punctuation”. I would try skipping parts of the scope: “firstbit.lastbit”, but I don’t how this would work without experimenting - I suspect it would need careful (strategic!) planning.

If I ever do this again I might consider:
Opening a large file for my chosen language;
Create a command to extract ALL of the scopes into a view;
Sort this list and remove duplicates.

Actually, I would perhaps go a stage further and create a dictionary from this list of scopes :smiley:. But I know that this doesn’t help you at this point… Soz.




[quote=“quodlibet”], entity.other.inherited-class,, entity.other.attribute-name, markup.inserted {
	background:lighten(@green, 100);
	punctuation {

Does this make sense? :?[/quote]

I like that. It’s (S)CSS, it’s human readable and more importantly it’s parsable. You can do it just like SaneSnippets. Make a tmLanguage definition for this type of a theme, write the parser in Python and now you have your tmTheme. It could even be automatically parsed when saving a file with a specifix extension (see SaneSnippets). Yeah, I already have concepts for that, but no time I’m afraid.



Is this project still going on? Did anything ever come of it? I might be able to help out if progress has stalled. I’d really love to see this reach the finish line. :smile:



Maybe I’m being a bit naive, but…

I’ve been using “TextMate’s Built-in Theme Editor” to create my own custom color schemes. This saves as a “.tmtheme” file which is interpreted / compatible with Sublime Text 2 when placed in the “packages” folder.




Yes, Textmate themes work (for the most part) just fine in ST2… but that doesn’t help those of us using Windows. :wink:



If you’re talking about a scheme builder in general I doubt that someone has started with that. I am still planning to write the CSS-like language including a parser as I mentioned above but apparently I want to finish my ongoing projects first. You are free to start with that on your own and when I have some time again I might help you out with that.

However, you can try using AAAPackageDev (more specifically this fork which I’m currently developing as a pull request) to write the definition in YAML and then convert it into plist. I recommend you to read the comments in that pull request for instructions on how to use, though.



You might want to try my color scheme editor here:



the theme builder is great if you know the list of scopes or their construction method. i, for one, have no idea how to determine what part of my code fits what scope, and, unlike Aptana (for all it’s ridiculous faults), there is no command in SB2 to determine text… at least not that i can find.

so. how the heck to we determine scope such that we can build a theme around it?





[quote=“DubRBang”]so. how the heck to we determine scope such that we can build a theme around it?

There also other, less fancy plugins around the forums.



“ctrl-alt-shift-p” works well for most cases. If the covered scope is too long (and exceeds the statusbar) or you want to copy it/use multiple cursors:

import sublime_plugin

class PrintScopeCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
    def run(self, edit):
        for sel in self.view.sel():
            if sel.empty():
                row, col = self.view.rowcol(sel.a)
                print("line %d, col %d: %s" % (row + 1, col + 1, self.view.scope_name(sel.a)))