Sublime Forum

Code folding (yet again...)


Hi there.

I have used Sublime Text in different times, but I always find myself going back to another editor because of the (mainly lack of) code folding system. I really want to give it another opportunity, for in may other regards it is great.

So, do you know any good alternative (package) for fixing Sublime´s native behaviour? Specifically, how to:

  1. Completely deactivate the default code folding based on indentation, so inconvenient.

  2. Set a specific syntax code for folding/unfolding. This is, establish personalized start and end markers for the folding. In my case, I use the editor for Python, and I would like to use “#+” and “#-

  3. Include the last line (the one with the “#-” marker) in the folding, as is the case in any editor that gives you a “+” when collapsed and a “-” when uncollapsed. I mean, that the endmark line should also disappear when code is folded.

  4. On that topic, have those symbols ("+" and “-”) on the left, much more intuitive than the triangles now used by Sublime.

With the package “SyntaxFold” I have managed to do number 2, but not the rest.
Maybe it is possible tweaking some parameters of its code somewhere?

In short, I am really surprised about the (lack of) proper code folding options in Sublime.
I really think it is kind of a basic feature in a professional text editor…

Many thanks for your help and all the best.



Completely deactivate the default code folding based on indentation, so inconvenient.

See the "fold_style" setting.

Set a specific syntax code for folding/unfolding. This is, establish personalized start and end markers for the folding. In my case, I use the editor for Python, and I would like to use “#+” and “#-

Code folding is syntax-specific. You can make folding use markers like that, but it requires altering the syntax definition.



FWIW, I don’t think you’ll get happy with disabling indentation based folding in python as syntax can’t provide required tokens to use syntax based folding under all circumstances.



Many thanks for your answer.

The "fold-style" setting says:

// The style of code folding to use
// - "auto": Use whatever the default is for the syntax in use
// - "force_indentation": Always use indentation-based code folding
// - "scope_only": Only allow syntax-based code folding

So, it seems that I need to use "scope_only".
My doubt is, how can I set the syntax definition?
Couldn´t find anything in the settings file.



I also find it very unintuitive to have “Code folding” under the “Edit” menu.
I always go instinctively to “View”. I think makes much more sense…
I mean, code folding affects how you view the context, it doesn´t alter (edit) anything…

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Syntax definitions assign scopes to tokens, which then can be used to specify fold regions.

Fold regions are defined in tmPreference files like



I’m looking for a way to completely deactivate that and instead use custom markers for folding, specifically “#+” for the start and “#-” for the end in my Python code. Ideally, I’d like the last line with the “#-” marker to also disappear when folded, similar to other editors that show a “+” when collapsed and a “-” when expanded. I tried using the SyntaxFold package, which helped with the custom markers, but I still can’t seem to achieve the other desired functionalities.



To achieve that,

  1. create a Packages/User/Python (with Fold Markers).sublime-syntax extending default Python.
    %YAML 1.2
    name: Python (Fold Markers)
    scope: source.python.with-fold-markers
    version: 2
    extends: Packages/Python/Python.sublime-syntax
      - py
      - py3
      - pyw
      - pyi
      - pyx
      - pxd
      - pxi
      - rpy
      - cpy
      - gyp
      - gypi
      - vpy
      - smk
      - wscript
      - bazel
      - bzl
      - SConstruct
      - SConscript
      - Snakefile
    first_line_match: |-
        ^ \#! .* \bpython(?:\d(?:\.\d+)?)?\b                        # shebang
      | ^ \s* \# .*? -\*- .*? \bpython(?:\d(?:\.\d+)?)?\b .*? -\*-  # editorconfig
        - meta_prepend: true
        - match: (#\+)[^\n]*(\n)
          scope: comment.line.python
            1: punctuation.definition.comment.python
            2: fold.begin.python
        - match: (#\-)[^\n]*(\n)
          scope: comment.line.python
            1: punctuation.definition.comment.python
            2: fold.end.python
  2. create a corresponding Packages/User/Fold Python.tmPreferences to disable indentation based folding and add declare fold tokens of fold.[begin|end] scope.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <plist version="1.0">
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