Sublime Forum

Code folding not working with JS files


I’m on v4143 on a Mac and having issues with code folding on javascript files. Not tried any other languages yet.

Problem seems to manifest in larger test files where I have many nested functions (Jest describe blocks with lots of test blocks inside). When I fold a function it’s often folding multiple functions and the only way to fix it I have found is to unfold every function.

Anyone else having this issue?



How do you fold those functions?

If you happen to use “fold by level” it does no longer fold a block a caret is located within, but would fold all its nested blocks.



I am folding using the triangle symbols next to the line numbers. I have not found a reliable way to repeat the issue, was just wondering if anyone else is having a problem with it. If I can figure out what action is causing it I can maybe post a short video of the issue.



I’ve still not got a reliable way to reproduce this issue, but I have been able to grab a few screenshots to show you the problem.

Here is the first screenshot:

This looks normal but in fact the function on line 628 is inside a completely different describe block that has become hidden when I tried to hide the function above it (function is on line 582).



To fix this I tried closing the previous describe block on line 475 and got the following:

You can see that I’ve collapsed the function because the arrow is now pointing horizontal, but only the first function inside it has disappeared, the remaining functions are still visible.



In the end I had to expand and then collapse all the functions to return it to how it should be, see this pic:

Notice the original describe block on line 627 that had disappeared in the original screenshot.



I’m now on build 4152 and still having major issues with code folding. I’ve only seen it happening in large javascript files but I believe that’s most likely because I don’t really use code folding in smaller files.

Still not found a reliable way to reproduce the issue, code folding seems to be working well, then randomly I will scroll the page and find that it’s corrupted. Here is a screenshot:

As previously, the yellow code folding blocks (…) are appearing randomly halfway through lines.

Since I last reported this issue I’m now working on a new machine, fresh install of Sublime 4 on Mac OS 14 and have Terminus and Prettier plugins installed.



I’ve managed to reliably recreate the issue on my machine. If I fold a block of code, then go to another block of code and create a new blank line inside the block and save the file the code folding corrupts itself. The new line is also removed by jsPrettier.

So I think this is a problem related to jsPrettier. If I disable this plugin the code folding appears to be working correctly.

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There’s a new plugin called prettierd. Though jsprettier has more features, I don’t like it blocking the app when saving. It is a bit clunky for me.



Thanks, that’s a great point. I’ve installed prettierd and it seems to be working very well.

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