Sublime Forum

Closing the gap between disclosure triangle and label in the sidebar


I’ve fiddled around with this for a bit without luck.

I’m trying to make my file list as narrow as possible in the side bar. I’ve removed the icons and reduced the text width but now the disclosure triangles are stubbornly distant from the labels. Has anyone had any experience changing this gap?



The default content_margin on disclosure_button_control is [8, 8]. Did you change that?

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I did, but that only changes the size of the icon, making numbers negative makes it disappear.

I was actually looking for something along those lines, that changed the margin or padding so I could put in a negative number, but none seem to work. I tried “margin” and “padding” ala CSS, but they didn’t work.

Since the problem is actually how far the label is from the triangle, changing the padding or margins around the label seems to be the key.