Sublime Forum

CloseFolder - Close all open files of/inside a dir at once


[quote]A simple Sublime Text plugin to close all open files of current directory or all open files inside some directory. Supports Sublime Text 2 and 3.


  • When doing web development project, the tab count easily shoots up to 30+ in no time. By this time, figuring each tab starts becoming difficult as only few characters of the filename can be seen. With this I can quickly close an old folder (which I may not need now) and generate some room.

  • I keep all my college semester lab work in a single project. Whenever I need to make some room, I close a past ‘lab’ folder.

  • When I take part in a coding contest/marathon, I create a folder for it and then keep all related files in there. By the end of the contest, I easily have 10+ tabs opened for it. This plugin helps me remove them all at once.


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