Sublime Forum

Changing default find settings (to search in document)


When I do a find (command + F) in any type of Sublime doc, it defaults to case-sensitive and regex being on and I have to disable those each time.

Where can I set those parameters by default? (Unless I missed it), didn’t see anything in preferences/syntax specific prefs.



Find panel remembers last settings on my end.

The panel can be opened with explicit preferences however.

		"keys": ["ctrl+f"],
		"command": "show_panel",
		"args": {
			"panel": "find",
			"case_sensitive": false,
			"highlight": true,
			"in_selection": true,
			"regex": false,
			"reverse": false,
			"whole_word": true,
			"wrap": false,
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Thank you @deathaxe – put that in sublime-keymaps file and seems to have done the trick. I used “keys”: [“super+f”] == command + f.



Thanks for posting this. I found after using case-sensitive search once recently, it keeps coming on on its own very frequently. Hopefully this explicit config will address the issue.