Hi Folks,
I am working on a sublime Event_listener auto complete plugin, specifically add auto complete in on_query_completions function. And I need to change word_separator under default setting
Basically the goal is to remove dot as a word separator while I am typing words, but soon before the on_query_completion ends, change back word_separator to original value, so that users will not be impact when the auto completion will not trigger.
Some pseudo code
class EventListener(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
def on_query_completions(self, view, prefix, locations):
# find table as a pattern IN
def is_alias(view, cursor, all_tables):
# load setting for word sep, uncheck space then bring it back
# find preceding 3 word
a = view.lines(cursor)[0].a
b = view.lines(cursor)[0].b
if a > b:
a, b = b, a
current_line_str = view.substr(sublime.Region(a, b))
current_line_lst = current_line_str.split(" ")
intersection = list(set(current_line_lst) & set(all_tables))
if len(intersection) == 0:
for tbl in intersection:
idx = current_line_lst.index(tbl)
if current_line_lst[idx + 1] == "as" and idx + 2 < len(
alias = current_line_lst[idx + 2]
alias_dict = {alias: tbl}
current_aliases = write_to_alias(alias_dict)
# final.update(alias_dict)
print("Line start {}, end {}, string is {}".format(a, b, current_line_str))
word_separator set to /\\()\"'-:,;<>~!@#$%^&*|+=[]{}`~?
settings = sublime.load_settings("Preferences.sublime-settings")
settings.set("word_separator", "/\\()\"'-:,;<>~!@#$%^&*|+=[]{}`~?")
customCompletion_Files = sublime.find_resources("EDW_SQL.custom-completions")
file = customCompletion_Files[0]
jsonString = sublime.load_resource(file)
jsonValues = sublime.decode_value(jsonString)
# this will check if autocompletion will effect in what kind of file
fileExtensions = jsonValues["fileExtensions"]
completionSeparator = jsonValues["separator"]
jsonCompletions = jsonValues["completions"]
all_tables = [
"{}.{}".format(db, tbl_key)
for db, tbl in jsonCompletions.items()
for tbl_key, cols in tbl.items()
enable = jsonValues["enable"]
# alias = jsonValues["alias"]
if enable is not True:
if len(fileExtensions) == 0:
fileExtension_Verification_Enabled = False
fileExtension_Verification_Enabled = True
syntax = view.settings().get("syntax")
syntax = syntax.split("/")[1].lower()
fileExtension_Match_Found = False
for extension in fileExtensions:
if extension.lower() == syntax:
fileExtension_Match_Found = True
if (
fileExtension_Verification_Enabled == True
and fileExtension_Match_Found == False
return []
input_cursor_word = []
for cursor in view.sel():
alias_dict = is_alias(view, cursor, all_tables)
print("current cursor word", input_cursor_word)
# Populate Completions #
completions = []
preload = False
for word in input_cursor_word:
ct = word.count(completionSeparator)
if ct == 0:
for db in jsonCompletions:
txt_show = db + f"\tdatabase"
completions.append((txt_show, db))
if ct == 1:
db, temp = word.split(completionSeparator)
if db in jsonCompletions:
tbl_lst = list(jsonCompletions[db].keys())
for tbl in tbl_lst:
txt = db + completionSeparator + tbl
txt_show = txt + "\ttable"
completions.append((txt_show, txt))
if ct == 2:
db, tbl, temp = word.split(completionSeparator)
if db in jsonCompletions:
tbl_lst = list(jsonCompletions[db].keys())
if tbl in tbl_lst:
print(db, tbl, "here")
cols = jsonCompletions[db][tbl]
for col in cols:
txt = (
+ completionSeparator
+ tbl
+ completionSeparator
+ col
dtype = type_mapping[cols[col]]
txt_show = txt + f"\t{dtype}"
txt_auto_complete = (
f"SELECT a.{col}$0 FROM {db}.{tbl} as a ;"
preload = True
completions.append((txt_show, txt_auto_complete))
word_separator change to ./\\()\"'-:,.;<>~!@#$%^&*|+=[]{}`~?
settings = sublime.load_settings("Preferences.sublime-settings")
settings.set("word_separator", "./\\()\"'-:,.;<>~!@#$%^&*|+=[]{}`~?")
return (completions, sublime.INHIBIT_WORD_COMPLETIONS)
So if y’all focus on the CHECK HERE, basically I want to change the setting while I am run this autocompletion and then change it back when I end run the completion . It won’t work as expected. It will only work if I save word_separator without dot in preference setting under user folder.
How can I achieve the same thing here?