Hello, after using the beautiful Sublime Text w/ Twilight Theme for a while now, it has become nigh unbearable to stare at plain jane white text any time I open up a plaintext file. I took a few stabs at trying to find the right place to manipulate this color myself with no luck, so I thought I would ask here in case someone had done this before. Thanks.
Change Color of plaintext File
IF I understand correctly, what you’re trying to do is to make the white text in plain text files less bright. The simple fix for this is as follows:
Copy Packages/Color Schemes - Default/Twilight.tmTheme over to a different location, such as Packages/User (so that it will not be over-written in the next update), and add the following bit at the end of the file, just above the line that reads </array>
<string>Plain Text</string>
What this does is give a text color of #c8c8c8 (gray, rather than white) to all “text.plain” scopes.
There are a few other things to consider:
You may want to change the foreground (text color) of the theme in general, because, for example, blocks of paragraphs in HTML will still be very bright. You may add more scopes to code above to cover “plain text” files that have different scopes; for example you can change the scope to <string>text.plain, text.html.markdown</string>
to also include markdown files. You can detect the scopes in a file by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Shift+P (and there are more sophistacted plugins to help with this as well).
Hope this helps,
This doesn’t work in sublime 3.
Must be great times in 2012 were.
It worked but file is in program_files not in user/