Sublime Forum

Change Build System via Command Pallette?



I have a few custom build systems. (for example: run a single *.go file vs run all *.go files in the folder, etc.)

I have my menu hidden, so when I want to change my Build system I need to:

  1. Use Command Palette to show the menu bar
  2. Click around and choose the right build system.
  3. Run my code.

It would be much easier if I could just choose the Build system via the Command Palette, but this doesn’t seem to be possible.

My questions:

  1. Really? Is this not possible? Seems like a feature that quite a few people might need
  2. If the answer to #1 is NO: Is there a plugin for this?
  3. If the answer to #1 and #2 is NO: Is there any workaround?

Thanks so much in advance!!


  1. in the ST console, type sublime.log_commands(True) Enter, then use the menu to change the build system. Then, you will know what command to add to the command palette.


So if I understand this correctly I need to add this to all of my project files? Is there a way to solve this globally?



When you hit ctrl+shift+b, st will show a quick panel with all applicable build systems for you to choose from. The one you select will then be selected for the next ctrl+b build.

If you only need to run a build system once, type “build with:” in the command palette to run a build without selecting it.