Sublime Forum

Caret-gate (unwanted changes to caret rendering)


The updates to the caret rendering (both its size and its new color blending behavior) have totally thrown off the appearance of my environment. For reference, I also use a vim plugin, so I use both a block and a line cursor. It’s just the block cursor that’s affected.

The caret has been rendered in the same way for years. Since before I purchased ST2. Why fix what isn’t broken?

If this change is going to be permanent, can you offer some tips for getting the previous caret appearance back? A caret is like a surgeon’s scalpel… you interact with it all day and it has a fairly outsized impact on the editing UX.



Having played around a bit with this, I think it might be sufficient to simply add a new setting in the color scheme ‘settings’ section to allow changing the block cursor color independently from the ‘selection’ color.

The problem seems to be arising because both selections and block cursors use the ‘selection’ color, but the blending mode for one is different from the other.



This is already possible by specifying a block_caret color. I haven’t tried that but the changelog indicates it.



This is definitely the setting I’m looking for (great catch, my eye slid right over it in the changelog), but I think there might be a bug with block caret rendering when the caret is positioned over a scope that has a background color explicitly set. I’ve recorded a short webm to try to demonstrate:

It looks sort of like the block cursor splits in half at the midpoint.



Glad it’s working out for you.

Yes, this is a bug and the developers are aware of it (see the 3190 release post for more).