Sublime Forum

Can't run program with Pyspark


I wrote a code which using pyspark. It can run perfectly in terminal. But when I tried use sublime to run this code, it shows following.

'cmd' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Sprout G2 Demo\Desktop\HP_Sprout\FaceMatcher-RestAPI\", line 17, in <module>
    sc = SparkContext('local[*]', 'Face Match')
  File "C:\Spark\spark-2.4.1-bin-hadoop2.7\python\pyspark\", line 133, in __init__
    SparkContext._ensure_initialized(self, gateway=gateway, conf=conf)
  File "C:\Spark\spark-2.4.1-bin-hadoop2.7\python\pyspark\", line 316, in _ensure_initialized
    SparkContext._gateway = gateway or launch_gateway(conf)
  File "C:\Spark\spark-2.4.1-bin-hadoop2.7\python\pyspark\", line 46, in launch_gateway
    return _launch_gateway(conf)
  File "C:\Spark\spark-2.4.1-bin-hadoop2.7\python\pyspark\", line 108, in _launch_gateway
    raise Exception("Java gateway process exited before sending its port number")
Exception: Java gateway process exited before sending its port number

My OS is windows 10, using python 3 and JDK 8.



For external reference, this issue is also being tracked in this SO question: