I got it working. Here’s what you need to do:
Download the titoBouzout/Dictionaries
master zip - https://github.com/titoBouzout/Dictionaries/archive/master.zip - and then extract it.
Then create a new directory in your ST3 Packages
directory called Language - Swedish
i.e. ST3_CONFIG_LOCATION/Packages/Language - Swedish/
Then copy the Swedish.aff
and Swedish.dic
files from the extracted zip files into the Language - Swedish/
directory. [I did not copy the `Swedish.txt` copyright file.]
Finally use Menu --> Dictionary --> Language - Swedish --> Swedish
to switch languages to Swedish.
I tested the above by finding some Swedish text on the web, pasting it into a new buffer, adding an English language sentence, hitting F6
to turn spell checking on, and the only words that were underlined in red where those of the English sentence. None of the Swedish words were underlined.
EDIT: Thinking about it… I suspect where you might have gone wrong was by right-clicking on, and then saving, the Swedish.aff
and Swedish.dic
filenames shown on the titoBouzout/Dictionaries GitHub page. If you did that then you would not have actually saved the files you wanted, instead you would have saved the GitHub web pages belonging to those files; BUT you would have ended up with 2 files called Swedish.aff
and Swedish.dic
on your computer both containing HTML instead of the dictionary data, and consequently they would not work as a ST dictionary.
Hope this helps.