UPDATE 2014-07-12: I’ve completely disabled the default CSS package with Package Control, and I’ve removed my completions.py file. I’m still getting suggestions when I type Ctrl+Space. I can now rule out the default css_completions.py file as the culprit. Can anyone tell me what other sources Sublime uses to generate the auto-complete list?
I’m writing a language bundle for CSS on Sublime Text 3 and I’m stuck on the completions.py file. I’m supposed to be able to suppress the default completions by returning sublime.INHIBIT_WORD_COMPLETIONS | sublime.INHIBIT_EXPLICIT_COMPLETIONS from on_query_completions.
As you can see below, it’s not working.
My code couldn’t be any simpler.
[code]import sublime
import sublime_plugin
class CSSCompletions(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
def on_query_completions(self, view, prefix, locations):
From the print(‘called’) line I can verify that it’s being called. BTW I’m on a fresh install of Sublime Text 2.0.2 on a Mac.