Sublime Forum

Can't Get Python to Output in Sublime Text 3


Hi, I’m brand new to programming and trying to get python3 to run in Sublime Text 3 on my MacBook Pro. I’ve installed Python3 and I know that it runs in the terminal:

Python 3.6.5 (v3.6.5:f59c0932b4, Mar 28 2018, 03:03:55)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)] on darwin
Type “help”, “copyright”, “credits” or “license” for more information.

print(“Hello World”)
Hello World

And I’ve built a new system to run python3 in sublime. (Saved it as a .sublime-build file.)

“cmd”: ["/usr/local/bin/python3", “-u”, “$file”],
“file_regex”: “^[ ]File "(…?)”, line ([0-9]*)",
“selector”: “source.python”

I’ve been searching online and I’ve tried several different formats for the build system, but all of them have resulted in the same problem. When I build, the only result is this:

All I see is how long the program took to run, there is no output. I made sure to shift+command+b and command+b in order to select the system but this is the only thing I see.

I’ve tried using the default python build system (which I assume runs python 2.7 because that is pre-installed on my Mac) and the result is the same. Python doesn’t seem to work on Sublime.

I would greatly appreciate any help. I’m eager to start programming but don’t know how to get past this!



Have you tried scrolling UP in the console?



It seems that your view is dirty. Did you save the file before building it? Also, are you sure that you have the Python3 build system selected? Use Cmd+Shift+b to change the current build system selection.



Yes. That doesn’t seem to be the issue



What do you mean by “dirty”? (Sorry, I’m new to this!)
I did save the file as .py before building and I did have python3 selected. I also made sure to Cmd+Shift+B but the result was still the same.



A file is “dirty” if it has unsaved changes; I think what @FichteFoll was getting at was to ensure that the file that’s saved on disk has your print statement in it. For example, if you created a new file, saved it while it was empty, then added the print statement and ran the program, it’s running the version on disk and not the one in the editor.



Wow. Thank you both for pointing that out. I saved the file after making my changes and it worked. I feel a little bit dumb but I’m new to this, so thank you so much for your help.



You might want to make sure that Tools > Save all on build is checked; with that on, any file that has unsaved changes will automatically be saved when you run a build, which saves a step (and having to remember ;)).

The setting only affects files with a name, so a newly created file that you haven’t given a name by saving won’t be included.



Awesome. Thank you again!



OK. I was having the exactly same problem.
it seems that what was running was just the Pre-build. the syntax checking.
If you go for ctrl+shift+b ( command+shift+b) and change it the selection from “Python - syntax checking” to “Python”.
it sorted after that.



Thank you so much my brain was totally messed up… i was not able to figure out what was wrong i watch tons of youtube video for a fix non of thm worked (´ . .̫ . `) but somehow i found your answer and now its fixed i created an account just to thank you…i feel so relieved (〒﹏〒)(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)



I just came from the future, and your method absolutely saved the day! Thank you so much!