Sublime Forum

Can't connect to online ExpressionEngine server


I had to reboot my Mac and lost my Sublime Text connection to my online EE server. (I’m working direct to files on my website server, not offline.)

I have set up my sublime.json with all the setting that were working before the reboot.
But now, when I try to SFTP browse the server I get these error messages

/Users/mac/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Packages/User/sftp_servers/:pathwaysoflight.sublime-workspace

Error parsing server config file
Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

Error parsing server config file pol.sublime-workspace:
Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

I only have one project I am working on. I don’t need workspaces for multiple projects.

What do I need to do to recover my SFTP access to EE system?



It sounds like you’ve perhaps saved the project/workspace on the remote server? Presumably SFTP is configured in the project, so you need the project to start the connection.



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Not entirely sure what might have fully gone wrong for you, but the filenames that it’s mentioning don’t look correct. In particular, server configuration files for SFTP, while having a fully open ended naming scheme, generally are not sublime-workspace files.

In any case, the error message you’re seeing there is related to the fact that the configuration file needs to be JSON (in the same relaxed format as most Sublime config files, so comments are OK and so are trailing commas).

It looks like the first character in the file is not { as expected; maybe double check what the config looks like?