Sublime Forum

Can not display input and output panel at once


I’m trying to write a plugin that necessitates having both visible at once(input panel and output.console panel)
However, it appears only one can be displayed at a time. is there other api

Does the code bellow i write need to be need some modified ?

[code]import sublime, sublime_plugin

class ExampleCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
self.outputview = self.view.window().create_output_panel(“console”)
self.view.window().run_command(“show_panel”, {“panel”: “output.console”})
self.view.window().show_input_panel(“COMMAND”, “”,None, None, None)



I have not found a way to do this either.
I am wishing I could make a helm style filter of my output generated by an exec call to an output panel. Showing the input panel however causes the output panel to vanish and I can’t find another way of handling input.



This is an old thread… But, one solution is to create a new tab in a new group to display it anywhere you want and remain in focus. Then open the input panel.

You can modify the contents of the tab / view to your hearts content, it’s what I do in AcecoolCodeMappingSystem, oleg-shiro does the same thing in CodeMap, and more use this method.

I’m actually going to be moving away from it and making either a TKinter gui panel, or put the panel in a new window which the user can resize to allow it to work for all windows easily…