Sublime Forum

Can I revert back to the old code folding?


Since the new syntax based code folding is a mess with Tcl code at least, can I revert back to the old code folding?

In addition, even if the bugs are fixed in the future, it would be a good idea to handle comments with the old folding. I use to create comment blocks with indentation so that I can even fold comment blocks. With the newest update this is gone which is a big pitty.



Since the new syntax based code folding is a mess with Tcl code at least, can I revert back to the old code folding?

Can you describe in what way it’s a mess?

In terms of having indentation-based folding, the new folding is configured by the syntax. For TCL it’s in TCL/Fold.tmPreferences where indentationFoldingEnabled is set to false.



Well, since ST has some issues with Tcl syntax, you can derive from that, that also the syntax based code folding will not work.

I couldn’t find any Fold.tmPreferences on my computer.
I added the line “indentationFoldingEnabled”: true to my preferences file, but there is not effect. The code folding is still syntax based.



TCL/Fold.tmPreferences can be found here: It’s inside the compressed default packages, so you won’t find it directly on your filesystem. Placing a Fold.tmPreferences file in your Packages/TCL folder (Preferences > Browse Packages…) will override the default one. Though I’d suggest using OverrideAudit if you plan on overriding default packages long-term.

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Many thanks, that worked.



I’m going to have to echo this topic. My workflow was totally messed up by this change because I use a combination of tabs, comments, and code folding to organize code in long code files. Particularly in CSS files I would argue that tab-based folding should be the default since the new folding will only ever fold about 4 lines per block.


I don’t update software that already works on my home computer for exactly reasons like this so thankfully I’m fine for the most part, but I implore adding a setting for tab-based folding, ideally purely tab-based with no “smartness” to it whatsoever. I tried to make a Fold.tmPreferences file as instructed for CSS, but could not get it to do anything.



This issue is being tracked here: