Sublime Forum

C++ Semantic Navigation Plugin - with RTags


Hello everybody!

I would like to share with you a plugin which I developed by myself.
Dear plugin developers, please read the last paragraph of this message :slight_smile:

This plugin integrates Sublime Text 3 with RTags, which parses your code and enables semantic navigation and refactoring!

Currently, the plugin supports GoTo Definition/Decleration and Find All References. In addition, I developed it in such a way that additional abilities can be added pretty easily. So, contributions are welcome!

However, it is important to mention that there is already a plugin which integrates RTags within Sublime Text - Sublime RTags, and it is available via Package Control. I have no intentions to compete with this plugin!

The main reason I’m sharing this code is to get feedback about its quality. I studied Sublime’s API for months, with the aim to create such a plugin that could set an example. I mean, a plugin which demonstrates important aspects of the development process (like logging, documentation, efficiency and readability). So, I would be very happy if you could give my code a quick look, or a veeeeery-long one, and tell me what do you think about it :wink:

Thank you for reading,
Have a pleasent day!

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Very interested, will try it out later, thanks.