I have a build system where the command is actually a “target”. I need that because i handle parameters and such in the build system. Also i need to show option dialog
All that works great. Now my question is about the “file_regex”
I can’t get sublime text to actually see my build log, it seems
in my plugin, when running my target , i use
self.window.run_command("exec", {"cmd": cmd})
to actually run the command.
I seems to be written in the “Build console” as i see the result there.
But when building and getting an error it does not get taken by ST
This is my build system
"selector": "source.javascript",
// "working_dir": "$project_path",
"file_regex": "Script\\sError\\sat\\s+(?:file:\/\/)?(^:]+):(\\d+)(?:\")?(.*?)\"?$",
and this is a sample error
[ERROR] Script Error at file:///Volumes/data/mguillon/Library/Application%20Support/iPhone%20Simulator/7.1/Applications/1508B233-F88D-4983-974E-F083AE948DFE/Suggest%20A%20Move%20VTT.app/lib/OfflineTraceManager.js:189:"Can't find variable: updateTracsFromPrefs"
Any idea?