Sublime Forum

Build 3010


when I press ctrl+B to run the python file , The console error as below:

Unable to find target command: exec



[quote=“toplinuxsir”]when I press ctrl+B to run the python file , The console error as below:

Unable to find target command: exec[/quote]

Same here on Fedora 17 (64 Bit).

ST2 works fine however.

edit: Same python command but ST3 uses shell_cmd and ST2 uses just cmd in the Python.sublime-build files.

Haven’t tested with other build systems.



I have noted a problem in ST3 in python mode (which I actually just tested in ST2 and there is the same problem):

In the following test code:

class Testing:
	def __init__(self):
		self._name = 'Test'

	def getname(self):
		return self._name

	def setname(self,value):
		self._name = value

	def delname(self):
		del self._name

	name = property(getname,setname,delname)

	# This is just a comment

When I fold (which I am only allowed to do on the class level and not on the method level (unless I manually fold the code) it looks like:

class Testing: ...t

i.e. keeping the last “t” of the comment outside the fold.

I know it is a minor bug, but since I just noticed that it has been there for 2 versions of the editor, I think it should be fixed at some point (and maybe add method folding in Python as well?)





[quote=“corelon”]I have noted a problem in ST3 in python mode (which I actually just tested in ST2 and there is the same problem):

In the following test code:

class Testing:
	def __init__(self):
		self._name = 'Test'

	def getname(self):
		return self._name

	def setname(self,value):
		self._name = value

	def delname(self):
		del self._name

	name = property(getname,setname,delname)

	# This is just a comment

When I fold (which I am only allowed to do on the class level and not on the method level (unless I manually fold the code) it looks like:

class Testing: ...t

i.e. keeping the last “t” of the comment outside the fold.

I know it is a minor bug, but since I just noticed that it has been there for 2 versions of the editor, I think it should be fixed at some point (and maybe add method folding in Python as well?)



As far as i can see that’s not a bug. From indentation the comment is belonging to the class. I see the same behaviour with Scite and Komodo 7 + 8



Two differences though with scite. There is method folding as well.
And the last “t” is not shown.



After playing around with the Default.sublime-theme file, my menu bars are all duplicated.

I commented out all my changes is the theme file, yet now the theme file doesn’t work at all and it didn’t fix the problem either.

Edit: I fixed it :\ Multiple duplicate files in the User directory caused this.



Thank you, thank you, for project_file_name(), project_data(), and set_project_data(). It makes handling project stuff so much easier in a plugin. I didn’t realize what it was when it was mentioned earlier, but this makes me very happy.



Quick switch project is failing to recognize .sublime-project files after only a letter and then it finally recognizes the project again after a few more. I don’t really know how to describe it so here are some pictures.
Note: this is on Windows 8 64bit.



Trying to subprocess.Popen() fails in osx 10.7.5: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=10951&start=0

Seems something is still missing from the binary.



It looks like font rendering is now enabling bold and italic for fonts that don’t natively support it (e.g. Monaco). THANK YOU for doing this!



I am seeing an issue with Build 3010 where if you create a global variable in plugin_loaded, it does not always make it to globals.

For instance, if I create a settings object to access later, I find that sometimes it won’t exist when the plugin gets loaded:

def plugin_loaded(): global sh_settings sh_settings = sublime.load_settings('scope_hunter.sublime-settings')

And then when the plugin tries to access it later:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3\", line 205, in on_selection_modified callback.on_selection_modified(v) File "C:\Users\muse_i\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\ScopeHunter\", line 178, in on_selection_modified self.clear_regions(view) File "C:\Users\muse_i\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\ScopeHunter\", line 171, in clear_regions if self.enabled and bool(sh_settings.get("highlight_extent", False)) and len(view.get_regions("scope_hunter")): NameError: global name 'sh_settings' is not defined

I have at least confirmed this on Windows so far.



It appears what actually happened is a little weirder. I was dynamically importing some library based on the system platform inside of plugin_loaded on the first plugin, and that caused some kind of error, then in the second plugin I was seeing the issue where the settings initialization in the other plugin in plugin_loaded did not work. There seems to be some kind of dynamics involved if one plugin screws up in plugin_loaded, others can have side-effects in plugin_loaded as well.



So today’s my first day with my new rMBP and the performance of scrolling on ST2 leaves much to be desired.

I actually came onto the forum here to start a thread about how I figured that using a GPU texture buffer to perform scrolling would help for the framerate and also would provide a battery life improvement.

Needless to say I am glad to find out about this build :smile:

Is there any way I can evaluate it without ponying up 70 bones? I’ve been spending a lot lately.

Update: Just went through with my purchase. Went quite smoothly, too, I like the process (and how I am free to install on all my computers). Already gotten a hell of a lot more than $70 worth of productivity out of ST2 already anyhow.