Sublime Forum

Build 3007


Sublime Text Build 3007 is out now, correcting some issues with the initial beta.

There are still some reported issues that remain outstanding, these will be investigated for the next build. Notably the Linux compatibility issues with older distributions remain unresolved for the moment.



Thanks for all the hard work, 1 day for a handful of fixes. Who can complain (that’s a bad question because I’m sure people can/will)? As a side note, have you considered leveraging a formal issue tracker (perhaps on github since most people already have accounts there, though I don’t know if they have any restrictions around not hosting the actual project there but I would guess not)? The the boards work okay for reporting and tracking issues, I would think a formalized system may work better. It would keep repeats from appearing, or at a minimum, save the time of browsing through the Build 3006 thread to see what has been reported.

Anyways, just thought I would throw it out there. Thanks again for all the hard work!



Just installed new version. And the same bug(or not?) appeared: Project switching window(on Ctrl+Alt+P) is empty and it isn’t showing recent projects.

UPD. It works fine if I manually switch between projects(not “Quick switch project”). After that project can be switched to/from in “Quick switch project” window



bug (OSX): when launching ST when there’s a window open from the previous session and the sidebar is hidden, ST will animate the sidebar in, then quickly close it only half way. Looks like it’s just an animation bug where 2 animations are running at the same time instead of canceling the first animation.



bug: “Open all with current extension as…” doesn’t work.



Hi jps,

I’ll provide you the best suggestion of today:

Goto Symbol in Project is the most important new function to me, and why not let “Ctrl+Click” automatically do Goto Symbol in Project? That way, navigating through code will be a breeze.

Should be easy to implement, since it’s just grabbing the clicked symbol and emulating “Ctrl+Shift+R, Enter” on it. If there’s just one hit, go there, else show the symbol matching list.

Thanks in advance :smiley:



First off, thanks for releasing Sublime Text 3!

I’ve found an issue while fixing symbol indexing in Sublime-Erlang:
Sublime Text will crash on startup when the type of a value in a tmPreferences file doesn’t match the expected type.
Example tmPreferences:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
	<string>Function Symbols</string>
		<integer>s/^/Function: /</integer> <!-- <<<< note: integer -->

Also, it would be really nice if you supported variable substitution (e.g. ${filepath/…}) in the symbol transform expression.

Here’s a crash report for the plist issue:
The crash doesn’t go away when I change it back to because the Sublime Text process stays running in the background.
Trying to start a new one produces this crash:
It starts again when I kill the corrupted instance.








I’d second this suggestion. It’s possible to emulate this feature (at least, it worked in ST2), but the implementation is really cumbersome.



Congrats on the new release. Very nice!

The behaviour which annoys me on a daily basis still exists. To reproduce:

Open sublime. Make the layout two columns and put an empty file in each column.

In the first column type “hello”, in the second type “there”.

First try single clicking on “hello”, then on “there”. Notice how the focus and cursor changes between the views as expected.

Now select “hello” with the mouse or by double clicking. Then click on “there”. The focus changes which is good. Now click back on “hello”. The cursor remains on “there”. Why?



I don’t know if this is new since 3007 and if someone already pointed this out but the .deb installation on Ubuntu 12.10 gives an error.
I can install it though but it gives an error saying:

The package doesn't provide a valid Installed-Size control field. See Debian Policy 5.6.20.

So I hope this helps for future .deb packages.




Seeing intermittent CPU spikes on OSX 10.8.2, with the top process reporting as “mds”. Then after the fans kick on for a few seconds, it eases up again.



mds is the spotlight indexing service (for the magnifying glass in the top right of your screen). It should have nothing to do with Sublime Text.



As a followup, I just had several (5) processes named “Sublime Text” which were stalling my system due to CPU usage. Only when I quit Sublime did the system return to normal.

EDIT: and while sublime was open, I saved a PSD file into the same base directory open in the Sublime sidebar. Perhaps it was trying to index a 1.4 meg PSD for goto-definition.



Hi, this bug is still present in build 3007:

if have removed the “$” from my “word_separators” setting for PHP programming.

CMD-D now also selects the “$” when used on variables. However, pressing CMD-D again does not select the next instance of that variable anymore. If I select that variable via mouse, CMD-D (repeat) works as expected.



Congrats on getting ST3 into the wild!

A couple issues I’ve run across while updating a couple ST2 plugins:

  • I have an EventListener plugin that tries to keep the status bar updated to show the line ending type and encoding for the active view. It listens for these callbacks: (‘on_modified’, ‘on_load’, ‘on_post_save’). In ST2, that was enough to get the status bar to be updated on first startup, but not in ST3 (I need to modify a buffer before the status bar updates). Is there something else I should be doing, or is this a regression? (code here, if it’s useful: … )

  • In ST2, I have the side bar both turned on and set to show open files. Starting from an empty session, if I add a folder to the side bar, expanded it, and then double click on a file contained in the folder, I open the file I double clicked on. However, when I do the same thing in ST3, I open the file above the file I double click on. It appears this happens because of the new “Previewing files from the sidebar creates a preview tab” feature. The first click adds the to-be-previewed file to the file list at the top of the sidebar, and moves all the files down a line, so the second click then hits a different file, opening that one instead.



One more: sublime.version() seems to return an empty string when a plugin is loading. e.g. throw this in a py file:

import sublime print('version is empty?', sublime.version() == '')
…however, sublime.version() correctly gives me ‘3007’ when run from the console.



One more for the night, promise… settings.get doesn’t seem to return correct values when a plugin is loading. Paste the following into a test py plugin file:

import sublime settings_base = sublime.load_settings('Preferences.sublime-settings') print('color_scheme is:', settings_base.get('color_scheme', 'no color scheme'))

…and regardless of whether you have color_scheme set in your Preferences, this will print “color_scheme is: None”.



@jburnett viewtopic.php?f=2&t=10780&start=40#p42444



It’s tricky. I have an internal bug tracking system, but it’s not suitable for public consumption, as it contains forward looking data that I’m not willing to publish, due to it inevitably being interpreted incorrectly. The alternative is having two separate bug tracking systems, but that has its own issues.


Sublime Text 3 Roadmap