I’ve found a little glitch about the C++ reindent functionality.
If a closing ‘}’ is followed on the same line by a comment, all the indentation will fail.
I’ve found a little glitch about the C++ reindent functionality.
If a closing ‘}’ is followed on the same line by a comment, all the indentation will fail.
Anything new on this issue ?
In fact any comment anywhere breaks the auto indent feature, still happens in ST3 beta 3022.
doStuff();//Comment here
Reindenting this as C++ is impossible, it is broken.
Can someone please try to reproduce this (do not forget to ctrl+shift+P and set syntax as C++) and confirm I’m not the only one affected ?
Hey man, how do I compile and build my program. I’m doing C syntax, how do I run it as an exe? like DevCpp
[quote=“Xaapyks”]Can someone please try to reproduce this (do not forget to ctrl+shift+P and set syntax as C++) and confirm I’m not the only one affected ?
You are definitely not the one affected.
Oh I happen to work mainly on C++, so I hadn’t notice it was failing on JS too.
Hope this gets fixed, it’s rather annoying.
Thanks for your answer.