Sublime Forum

[Bug] plugin=Dictionary. Freeze the Sublime-Text if "show_definitions"=true and ""=blocked


Steps to reproduce"

  1. Configure file “Dictionary.sublime-settings”:
    "hover_mode": true
  2. Check, that hover mode is works, by hover mouse cursor over the word.
  3. Add “” to DNS-block-list.
  4. Internet still work, but DNS-queries with specified domains are blocked (I use Unbound as a local system ad blocker by DNS).
  5. Reset the dns-cache in the system, where Sublime-Text is started (In my system the only DNS-cache - is Unbound daemon, so I just restart it).
  6. Reset DNS-cache of all proxy-servers between the Sublime-Text and the internet (I use Privoxy daemon as a proxy-server to control internet flows of programs. So, I just restart it).
  7. Check, that Sublime-Text is freezeed when mouse hold position over the word.


Freeze as per plugin’s request to wait for server’s response so the only way to fix this is on the plugin side.

Such as, run show_popup in another thread so it freeze that thread. The easiest way to “half” fix this is run it via sublime.set_timeout() which will stuck the only async thread other plugin may use.