Sublime Forum

Braquets highlight conflict with Marking changed rows


Hello. I’m new to Sublime Text 3. Great program! I’m configuring it and I’ve installed some packages. Braquets highlight is good for me because it shows me where a braquet opens and its corresponding closing braquet (I program in Autohotkey). The marking change rows plugin is also great because I like knowing what rows have been modified. The little problem is that both plugins share the same position on the left to indicate the braquets and the changes (a small circle). Is there a way to fix this?

Apart from this, is there a way to make the search bar stay always opened and never close?

And any way to have a better display of the search results in the minimap or the scrollbar? I think it was more visible in Atom or maybe VSCode.



There is currently no way to fix this - you may want to subscribe to the following issues to see when a fix happens:

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