Sublime Forum

BracketHighlighter foldbracket failing


I have installed latest version of Sublime Text 2 and BracketHighligter including the fold_bracket plugin.

I can’t get the folding on brackets working and am still facing folding by indentation (same as examples in Coding folding does not work properly).

Tried ctrl+shift+ ctrl+shift+ (and all combinations alike) to no success…

Anyone a hint?



I believe Bracket Highlighters default key binding is “ctrl+shift+b, ctrl+shift+” (replace ctrl with super if on mac). It is a key binding sequence. You can check the BracketHighlighter keymap file to confirm. This shortcut actually conflicts with a build system shortcut that uses “ctrl+shift+b”, so this shortcut will be removed in the next version of BracketHighlighter and will require the user to define the shortcut themselves, but currently it should be as described above.