Sublime Forum

Borderless window (an aesthetic request)


I hate to make an aesthetic request but here it is. It would be really nice if in windowed mode you did away with the standard windows border. Maybe this isn’t as big a deal in vista/7. But in xp the standard border and specifically the titlebar mar the appearance of subby. i did a search to see if anyone else had requested such a feature but no dice. thoughts from the community?




Supporting an (optional) custom border + menu has been on the todo list for a while, but it hasn’t been a priority - perhaps it should be.

As an interim measure, you can use Microsoft’s Zune XP theme, which will give you a nice set of matching window borders.



Apologies for the almost 8-year necro; however, I would also very very much like to see this as an official feature.

For anyone else searching for this request, there’s actually an easy-to-reproduce bug that allows this behavior (at least on Windows 7, but likely other flavors as well):

  1. Resize Sublime to your desired size
  2. Push [Win]+[Left arrow] to maximize Sublime on the left side of the display
  3. Push [F11] to set fullscreen mode
  4. Push [Win]+[Right arrow] to restore the window again

♫ Ta-da! ♫ You now have a borderless window.
(Use [Alt]+[Space] [M] to move it around, and [F11] to exit.)

I use this on a daily basis, both to set up a custom file grid with multiple windows, and simply for quite-pleasing aesthetics.

Again, please make this an official feature!
I would be eternally grateful. (or at least for a couple of months. ^^)

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I cannot reproduce the bug you experience.

  • Win 10 Pro (x64) 1703
    • ST3131 x64 portable
    • ST2212 x64 portable

On the other hand the application’s 1px border doesn’t bother me.



Easiest way to make Sublime Text window (on Windows 8, 10) borderless is to set Windows theme color like yours Sublime Text theme background color:



Hi skillcoder!

Your Sublime Text looks pretty… Can I ask you which settings are you using?

This is how Sublime Text 3 (3126) looks like on my Windows 10 default theme:

By private message as well if not topic related in your opinion.




Hello proj3ctmayh3m, I’m using Boxy theme with base16-eighties color theme provided by SublimeLinter Package and Source Code Pro font.
Boxy theme has a lot of variations and settings, here is my full config:
{ "always_show_minimap_viewport": true, "auto_complete_cycle": true, "caret_style": "blink", "color_scheme": "Packages/User/SublimeLinter/base16-eighties (SL).tmTheme", "extract_sublime_package_ask_on_open": true, "font_face": "Source Code Pro", "font_size": 11, "highlight_line": true, "highlight_modified_tabs": true, "ignored_packages": [ "Vintage" ], "overlay_scroll_bars": "enabled", "show_encoding": true, "show_full_path": false, "show_line_endings": true, "theme": "Boxy Monokai.sublime-theme", "theme_accent_tangerine": true, "theme_autocomplete_item_selected_colored": false, "theme_bar": true, "theme_bar_logo_atomized": true, "theme_bar_margin_top_sm": true, "theme_bar_shadow_hidden": true, "theme_dirty_accent_orange": true, "theme_dirty_colored_always": true, "theme_dropdown_atomized": true, "theme_find_panel_close_hidden": true, "theme_find_panel_materialized": true, "theme_font_md": true, "theme_grid_border_size_xs": true, "theme_panel_switcher_atomized": true, "theme_popup_border_visible": true, "theme_quick_panel_border_visible": true, "theme_quick_panel_item_selected_colored": true, "theme_scrollbar_colored": true, "theme_scrollbar_line": true, "theme_sidebar_disclosure": false, "theme_sidebar_folder_atomized": true, "theme_sidebar_font_md": true, "theme_sidebar_heading_bold": true, "theme_sidebar_indent_sm": false, "theme_sidebar_size_xs": true, "theme_tab_selected_transparent": true, "theme_tab_selected_underlined": true, "theme_tab_size_lg": true, "theme_unified": false, "translate_tabs_to_spaces": true, "word_wrap": true }




You might want to start with Package Control which installs your packages and keeps them up to date:


  • Tools > Command Palette > Package Control: Install Package

And then install Boxy with or without its add-ons:

You might also want to browse:

the popular (or trending …) packages.



Thanks very much @skillcoder and @rppn.

I just started to use ST, and I’m really appreciate it…
I will apply your hints!

I didnt know Sublime have a “theme” in addition to “color schema”.

Really appreciated.

