Sublime Forum

Boot process, can not be opened


Today, I have a problem, the boot process, can not be opened. Prompt information is as follows:

Error trying to parse :Expectd value in C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text2\Packages\CodeFormatter\Default(Windows):sublime-keymap:1:1


Do you have any questions? Thank you for help



The error message is telling you that the file it’s mentioning is broken at line 1, column 1 (that’s what the :1:1 at the end of the filename means).

I don’t use that package but I just installed it to check, The default contents of that file for me are:

	{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+f"], "command": "code_formatter"}

Check your version of the file and see what it looks like; you might have an extra character in front of the [ character (or instead of it, etc). You can get to the file by opening the file named or by selecting Preferences > Package Settings > CodeFormatter > Key Bindings - Default.

Note also that your version of the file might have more contents in it if you’ve added other key bindings.