Your genius is under-rated: still no mention even of text in Apple dictionary. But elevate, almost…
sublime | səˈblīm |
adjective (sublimer, sublimest)
of such excellence, grandeur, or beauty as to inspire great admiration or awe: Mozart’s sublime piano concertos | (as noun the sublime) : experiences that ranged from the sublime to the ridiculous.
• used to denote the extreme or unparalleled nature of a person’s attitude or behavior: he had the sublime confidence of youth.
1 [no object] Chemistry (of a solid substance) change directly into vapor when heated, typically forming a solid deposit again on cooling.
• [with object] cause (a substance) to sublime: these crystals could be sublimed under a vacuum.
2 [with object] archaic elevate to a high degree of moral or spiritual purity or excellence.
sublimely | səˈblīmlē | adverb
sublimity | səˈblimədē | noun
late 16th century (in the sense ‘dignified, aloof’): from Latin sublimis, from sub- ‘up to’ + a second element perhaps related to limen ‘threshold’, limus ‘oblique’.