Sublime Forum

"bind: Invalid command `enable-meta-key'." when closing a kivy application


from import App
from kivy.uix.widget import Widget
from kivy.uix.label import Label

class PlaceApp(App):

def  build(self):
	myWidget = Widget()
	label = Label(
		text = "Hello World!"

	return myWidget

if name == ‘main’:

when i run the above code in Sublime Text 3 on Ubuntu 20.4.1 LTS ,it works fine but then when i tap the close button (x) in the opened application window, it does not close but the console writes out
bind: Invalid command `enable-meta-key’.

here is a screenshot

I have been using Sublime Text for like 2 years now on Windows now am using Ubuntu because of personal reasons ;-).
So I am certain i ran this exact code on my windows machine and got no such error.

I am new and this is my first topic, all guides shall be appreciated Thank you!!!