Sublime Forum

BEWARE: ST3 updates cause LOSS of currently open projects' data!


I just updated to the latest version (v3.2) while I had a bunch of different projects open, and I lost all the new code/data I had placed in the projects I had been working on.

I realize that I should have been more cautious and should have closed each open project first before updating, but it would be nice if, as part of the update process, the update software would have ST3 first save all open files and projects to disk before proceeding with the update.

BTW, I’m pretty sure that I have run ST3 updates in the past in the same way without losing data…

That’s it, Thanks!




I didn’t have this issue when upgrading. My unsaved and untracked files were just where I left them in 3.2.



Wow, I wish that had been my experience! I lost days’ worth of new code and data. All my projects reverted to their previous version. It’s devastating!

The fact that this did not happen to you validates my memory of this not happening to me with prior updates under similar circumstances.

However, I will never update the software again before saving all open files and closing all open projects out of an abundance of caution. I’d suggest all users take this more conservative approach, as losing one’s work like this is a huge and devastating pain in the neck!

Glad this did not happen to you Iode. Thanks for your reply! :slight_smile: