Sublime Forum

Best unknown packages


Everyone kows SublimeLinter, Emmet or the Soda theme, but what about the less known packages? So, let’s share our best packages that are not known by most people but still provide lots of utility.

Post the best packages you know with less than 2k installs on Package Control! (up to 4)

I’ll start with my own CSScheme, which is targeted at color scheme developers and converts CSS and pre-processors like SCSS or stylus into tmTheme files.
I also use SelectUntil, which is very useful for editing similar lines at once with multiple selections.
The best package for multi-panel editing, InactivePanes, will dim all inactive views so that you never lose focus.
And finally To Hastebin, a pastebin plugin for Hastebin, my pastebin of choice.

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Find and Replace loses selection

here are some to get the party goin

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Uhm, that’s quite a lot. I actually wanted people to consider which of their <2k packages are the best and limit that to a maximum of 4, but it appears this forum isn’t really active lately.

Another package I worked on and use occasionally is SaneSnippets, which allows editing snippets without XML.



Because the forum keeps crashing and so people give up :frowning:

That said, I’d say my Evaluate plugin should be on this list :smile:

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I’ll submit Pandown:

A great, highly customizable pandoc wrapper plugin.

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Yeah, @ctf0’s link dump wasn’t that useful. If I want a list of packages, I can go search the Package Control homepage.

I use SmartMarkdown’s Pandoc functionality because it seemed like less of hassle of than Pandown. I’ll have a look again, as I’m not quite happy with my Pandoc workflow. (Though using grunt-panda has helped in some situations.)

SaneSnippets is great. I like how we’re slowly converting all the XML config files to JSON and YAML. I’ve wanted to contribute to the syntax of some projects, but they’re keeping the files in XML and I just don’t want to bother :smile:

I’m not sure how you guys determined which of your packages are under <2K. I looked at a few and most of the ones I use are higher. I guess I’m a fashionista :smile:

At 3K FuzzyFileNav should disbarred, but it’s still not that well known. It’s a sublimish plugin for opening files. It’s literally the package I waited for to be ported to ST3 before switching. It’s that good. You should try it.

GhostText hooks up Sublime to your browser (via a plugin). It’s really useful for writing long texts, such as this post. I was actually surprised at how few installs it has.

Oh, and I should peddle my own <2K plugin. Following, “the one thing well” philosophy Typewriter provides typewriter scrolling for writers, poets, and other plain text pornographers (no judgement). OK, I lied. It has a second feature: you can set it up so that it prevents you from navigating your text, which is good for cranking out first drafts.


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Blame Highlighter is nice to get a quick glimpse of your previously committed code.

Less Tabs if you tend to have a ton of tabs open and need to clean things up a bit

Tab Filter, basically goto anything but only for your current tabs

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