Sublime Forum

Autocomplete broken on huge file


I’m working with a huge file (109,132 lines) that does not play well with Sublime autocomplete. If I cut down the file’s size substantially (to, say, 80,000 lines), autocomplete works. If I Ctrl+Space in that file, the suggestions show up. If I work with other smaller files, autocomplete works.

Is there any way to force Sublime to run autocomplete on this huge file? Below are my user settings:

“auto_match_enabled”: false,
“color_scheme”: “Packages/Color Scheme - Default/IDLE.tmTheme”,
“auto_complete_selector”: “source, comment, text.plain, meta.tag, punctuation.definition.tag.begin, css”,
“font_size”: 10.0,
“auto_complete_selector”: “source, text”,




change your auto_complete_size_limit setting to something bigger than the size of your file