Sublime Forum

Auto Spell Checking not working in v3, build 3143


Mac OS 10.12.6 / Sublime Text Version 3.0, Build 3143

I am unable to get the auto-spell check to work, however if I go to View > Spell Check it works properly. This persists after multiple restarts.

I have the following in my Preferences.sublime-settings file:

		"bootstrapped": true,
		"tab_size": 2,
		"detect_indentation": false,
		"translate_tabs_to_spaces": true,
		"show_errors_inline": false,
		"spell_check": true,
		"dictionary": "Packages/Language - English/en_US.dic",
		"added_words": [
		"in_process_packages": [],
		"installed_packages": [
			"HTML-CSS-JS Prettify",
			"Package Control",
			"Pretty JSON",
			"Syntax Highlighting for Sass"

Any insight would be appreciated.



is there perhaps a syntax specific preferences file somewhere that is overriding the spell_check value to false?



I would double check that you put the configuration options into the right file.

Some of the options that are there (bootstrapped, in_process_packages, installed_packages) are settings for Package Control.

It sort of looks like you either added your custom options to the Package Control settings or added Package Control settings to your preferences.

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