Sublime Forum

Auto complete matching longest


Following up with another example of how ST4’s auto-completion has become less fluid/more finicky for me to use: ST4 seems to prefer matching with longest matches in some cases in a way that makes me fight it more than ST3. e.g. create an empty Python buffer with the following block of code:

def optionVar(name):
    return name

def foo(optionVarName):

Place your cursor between the parens of the print call, and type “opVar”. In ST3, the suggestion list is in the order [“optionVar”, “optionVarName”]. If you wanted the second entry you could refine the completion by typing any of the suffix characters ‘N’, ‘a’, ‘m’, or ‘e’. In ST4, the suggestion list is reversed, and there’s no way to guide the completion to the closer/shorter match aside from using arrow keys to pick the second entry manually:


Is there a way to get the old behavior back?



Check the auto_complete_preserve_order setting.



@kingkeith - this setting has no effect in this case.