Sublime Forum

Ansi color codes are still appearing on the output panel


I have ST3 and followed a post (Ansi color codes in build output) to show color messages on the Output panel.
Everything was working right until today. I’ve started to see Ansi color codes again, instead of colored messages.

I don’t recall doing changes on my build command, neither on ST settings. I’ve search through the forum for a solution, but can’t find anything that fix my problem.

My current build command looks like this:

  "cmd": ["rspec", "$file"],
  "working_dir": "$folder",
  "selector": "source.ruby.rspec",
  "target": "ansi_color_build",
  "syntax": "Packages/ANSIescape/ANSI.tmLanguage"

target and syntax settings used to work to add color to the output, but they are not working anymore.



exactly st version?
try to modify the .tmlanguage ext to .sublime-syntax.
does restart st help?

could be related



Thank you. It worked!
Just replaced the extension to .sublime-syntax to the syntax attribute and colors were back.

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