Sublime Forum

Already suggested but not in this forum


1: Configurable project folder where all .sublime-project/workspace files are created. Yes we can make st put those files anywhere we want but it would be nice to have st3 do it for us per a configuration.

2: multiple projects open at the same time in the same instance of sublime text. the sidebar could contain both trees and flipping between open projects even without a sidebar would just be “SMOP” (a simple matter of programming :).

The reason for item 2 is because there are numerous times where I need multiple, separate but related projects open at the same time and I really do not like flooding my task bar with multiple instances of the same application.



What you want in #2 can be done now. Just drag and drop your project folder from your file manager to your Sublime Text window.



No #1 can be achieved via Project Manager package. It stores all projects within the user folder and provides a quick panel to switch between them. (… and much more).



nope, thats not what that is doing. what you are doing when you drag and drop that directory into the existing project is ADDING that directory to the project. Im not trying to add a FOO projects directory into the BAR project, im trying to have both the foo project and the bar project open at the same time. Close project then needs to ask which project i wish to close.

i absolutely do NOT want to add project 2’s contents to project 1 in the way suggested.



project manager looks like a nice plugin, will check it out!



actually this package would solve BOTH problems if it could show the tree of every open project in the side bar at the same time.
no need to do contrl alt p to switch between projects, losing the tree view and all open files of one project just to get a tree view and open files of the other…
would be nice if i could have two projects open at the same time and not lose the file tabs for either of them.
simple mouse clicks in open tabs, simple mouse clicks in one or other tree view…

this package still requires a sublime-project and sublime-workspace file to be present SOMEWHERE in order to add a project to its control . This just seems like something ST3 should be handling internally, IT creates the project files, IT creates the workspace files, a configuration to select WHERE it creates them would be a nice thing to have, that way I dont have to have “garbage” files that have nothing to do with the actual project in the projects directory.
and yes, i mean “garbage” because those files have absolutely nothing to do with the actual project itself, they are files that belong to the editor used to edit the project. They are just cluttering up every project directory all the time, they need to be created in a dedicated central repository.



It isn’t clear to me what would be different, functionally, if you were to have multiple projects open, versus having multiple folders in a single project?

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I already have multiple folders in numerous projects. for example, I have a project for an android application that has the main android build tree plus another directory containing code that I use to create the data used by that android project. BOTH of these directory trees are “ONE” project under sublime.

However, that android application also makes use of an android NDK library that I am building. That library is a shared library and could potentially be used in numerous android projects and would not be considered part of any of them, it is its own separate project under sublime text.

Would be nice to have a side bar that looked like this

project 1
–directory 2
–directory 3
-----file 1
-----file 2
–directory 4

project 2
–directory 1

right click in side bar to open a project in the sidebar, select project in side bar, right click and select close… etc etc



to answer your question more directly, i could have 28495629846 projects on my drive and have one master sublime text project containing the directories of every single one of them. no separation between which directories belong to which projects, no ability to “close” projects not related to the current work flow other than “remove directory from master project”.

Projects need to be separate entities but being able to have only one open at any time actually hurts my workflow. I have to have multiple instances of ST3 open at the same time and thats an annoyance tbh.



So in essence you would like:

  • group related folders and have dividers between groups
  • allow you to add/remove groups to/from sidebar as a single unit


depends on what your definition of “groups” is lol, is a group a list of directories related to a project?
I do not want to have all the directories of project A bundled in with all the directories of project B/C/D/E/F etc

I would like to be able to open project A or project B but I would also like to be able to open project A AND* B and have both in the sidebar. not so I can more easily flip between them, that suggests only being able to have project A files in the tab bar or project B files in the tab bar but not a random mixing of both.

However, maybe this would require some visual indication of which project a given file belongs to in the side bar or tab, would not want to edit foo.asm in project A when i meant to edit file foo.asm from project b. ;/



Sorry if I am being dense, but ST is happy to have multiple projects open at the same time. I usually have at least 2 projects open.

I admit I don’t know how to open multiple projects with a single command, so I open them one at a time. Since ST remembers the projects I am working I don’t find that to be a problem.

I agree that it would be nice to configure ST with my favorite location for project files. But even then I find I rarely miss it: I usually open projects using Projects>Open Recent so I rarely find myself looking for project files on disk.