Sublime Forum

Ahead / Behind commit counters: where can I find them?


First of all, thank you for this awesome tool. I am used to SourceTree tool GUI and it has a very simple feature that I could not find in SublimeMerge: the ahead/behind counter.

Is there any place where I can find this info? Attached you can find a print-screen that shows what I am trying to say. If SublimeMerge doesn’t have it, where should I fill a feature request?

Thanks again.



This is shown in the infobox on the toolbar, in this case it should be showing something like “master (2 ahead)”



Hey, jps.
Thank you for your reply.

Would you mind post a print-screen? I’ve looked around and I can’t find it anywhere.

Thank you, again



Here you go:

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I should note, we only display if you are behind, not ahead.

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I dont understand how sublime updates this status? Are there settings for it? I mean, when i just open sublime i want to see status of my local repo. Only after making git pull for one of local branches this status appears for other branches.



Sublime Merge doesn’t know any more than your local repo knows. You must update your local repo to know this information, a fetch or a pull will update and cause the ahead & behind counters to refresh.

Note: Sublime does not currently auto-update your local repos (see also request #25).

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Thanks for the info!