Sublime Forum

After recent update I see LICENSE UPGRADE REQUIRED


Just logged in here because I was in the middle of my coding and Sublime offered an update, I updated and bam! ST4!

Sublime has been my partner since 2013, and I do not mind paying 80 bucks (ya ya with 10 bucks discount) and continue doing what I was doing…


It broke the rhythm of coding. I was in the middle of writing a piece of software and was heavily distracted when I saw an upgrade to the newer version.

I still went ahead and gave it a try…

Most of the things in ST3 no longer works on ST4 or are plain sluggish.

Example, if I copied line 4 and line 7 on file X (using multiline) and selected line 1 and line 5 and pasted, it will only paste line 4 on line 1 and 5.
Ctrl P no longer works as smooth as it did in ST3.

I am on a corporate workstation - lenovo thinkcenter, i5 6th gen, 8 gig ram and ssd, on Ubuntu. Sure, the homepage says they support GPU now but I do not have a GPU - maybe the sluggish behaviour due to that?

Now it is just a heart break. I will be spending my weekend assessing other text editors instead of spending time with my wife.

This upgrade was totally uncalled for.

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The title is not that small, it is in capital letters [LICENSE UPGRADE REQUIRED] - it is well known that using all caps like this is bad form because it looks like YOU ARE SHOUTING. I don’t like having someone shouting at me like this while I am trying to work, and the message makes me feel uncomfortable, like I’m some kind of cheapskate.



Hi @cakenkeyboard - sorry to hear the update interrupted your workflow. We’re working to improve the update dialog to ensure no more unexpected updates occur on your end.

For the moment, I’ll do my best to resolve any issues you’re seeing.

Regarding the copy-paste, this behavior should still be working.
When you have a spare moment, would you mind submitting an issue report to and we’ll investigate this as soon as we can.

Regarding the sluggishness, could you try adding
"hardware_acceleration": "opengl", to your settings in Sublime Text and see if this resolves the issue.

- Dylan

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Ok. Let me see if it works.



Note that you’ll need to restart Sublime Text for the hardware acceleration to take effect. If this doesn’t resolve the issue, we’ll look into this further.



It broke.

Please find the screenshot below. It shows this dialog and closes.

“Failed to initialize OpenGL rendering”

How can I open it?



Please do.
I REALLY want Sublime to work.



I downgraded my OpenGL (Ofcourse it broke other things but, as long as it fixes Sublime).

It opened.

I see this but I cannot click on anything - not even File, Edit, Shortcuts do not work either.



Hi @cakenkeyboard,

Apologies for that - please go ahead and disable OpenGL rendering by navigating to ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings and removing the line "hardware_acceleration": "opengl",

I’ll reach out to one of the other engineers to investigate this sluggishness further.

Thank you for your patience and apologies for the interruption,
- Dylan



That’s alright. We all make mistakes.
I am wanting to give it another go. I will wait for your engineers to get a fix.

Thank you.

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Thanks for your understanding.

If you’d like to revert to Sublime Text 3 for the meantime, see:

If you’re using apt, you can also install the previous version using: sudo apt install sublime-text=3211

- Dylan

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Thank you. That works for now. Cheers!



Do you prefer a nag screen? How else are people gonna know this is a commercial software. If anything, SublimeHQ is generous by giving you an unlimited trial like WinRAR. Don’t like it? You can do the following:

A: pay for a license
B: Ignore it



Totally agree with you, it’s not small, it’s literally SHOUTING using text,subliminally text?! hehe. I believe software developers are those humans that’s paying more attention to details than average Joe/Jane. so, yea~ it’s so… so… hard to be ignored when everything else almost all lowercase. If coders doesn’t pay attention to details, codes won’t compile or run properly… we all complain/whine here it’s because we love|d sublime text. 3.



What a completely inappropriate (I could have used stronger language) way to handle an update. “New version available” with no warning that a paid upgrade would be required. That is NOT an ethical way to do business. If I can work my way through reverting to ST3 without losing all my settings and extensions, I’ll do so and continue to use ST for now. If not, I’ll be looking for alternatives.
I don’t mind paying for upgrades IF THE REQUIREMENT IS MADE CLEAR UP FRONT. If you had simply said “ST4 is now available, click here for upgrade options”, you would likely have my money by now. Instead, I now have this annoying “LICENCE UPGRADE REQUIRED” in the border of every ST window after installing what I thought would be a simple maintenance release.
Still a fan of ST as an editor but very, very disappointed in ST as a company.

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I agree beamrider9. This upgrade process is beyond a joke. I happily paid for ST3 as it helps with my code development in FPGA land. I have just spent the afternoon having to revert the upgrade of ST4 back to ST3. In what universe do you not notify a user that an upgrade is actually a new product that you effectively have to pay full price for. Way to go Sublime developers in annoying your followers.

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The whole “We’ll do better next time” response is too little, too late. It makes the whole thing seem even worse. ST, you should stop saying it until you have a better answer for THIS time.

Want me to ‘try’ the unrequested ST4 version? Great, give me a patch that removes this obnoxious ‘LICENSE UPGRADE REQUIRED’ message - or at least makes it less obnoxious.

Why should I have to work my way through revering to ST3? Why don’t YOU provide an automated process that puts ST3 back on my system?

Put me back in the state I was in before this mess started and THEN we can talk about ‘next time’.



I too was misled by the update dialog. This is a truly terrible way to handle this.

What I want to know now: Is it safe to downgrade to ST3 or do I have to redo my whole configuration? I did not back it up since I assumed this was just a bug fix update.



see this.



Thanks @bitsper2nd, I appreciate it.

Of course the first thing that pops up after the downgrade is the update dialog. How has this not been disabled yet? Just disable it for now and prepare a final ST3 build that includes a proper update notice - which actually informs users what is happening. Otherwise the whole ST3 user base will be misled into updating to ST4. And I really hope this was not the intention.