Sublime Forum

Adding a description to a package control plugin


I am aware this might not be the best place to ask something about package control, but I haven’t been able to find any contact/support/forum/IRC that could help.

I just published a plugin to package control but I haven’t been able to add a description to it. I mean the little message that shows in the package control pop up window when you are browsing plugins.

How is that done?



I’m pretty sure it is taken from the “description” field you enter on github or bitbucket, assuming you host your project there.



Exactly. The other way is to add a “description” key to the package info in the channel directly, but the github repository description is preferred since you can update it yourself without a pull request.

@gerardmtf: Regarding help (regarding Package Control or Sublime Text in general), I’m available at ##sublimetext on freenode for most of the day and frequent the forum too. If it’s urgent, just bug me on IRC when I’m online or hope for someone else to be able to help.

In other news, yay for 1000th post. sapphirehamster messed up the nice *10 series though and has one post too much.



That was it, thanks so much!

It looked bad to have a plugin without a description.