Sublime Forum

Add snippets programatically?


Hi, I have an idea for a plugin and I’m trying to figure out if it’s possible to add new snippets programatically. I did find new_snippet as command in the sublime unofficial documentation but I have no clue on how to use this.

The idea for the plugin is to write snippets inside source files as comments. When you open a file, the plugin read the included source files and adds the relevant snippets to the user’s snippet list. This is why I want to programatically add a snippet from a string. How to do this?



I think that what you really want to do here is write a custom completions plugin.

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Thanks, this may be what I’m looking for.



Thanks again @ThomSmith, I made good progress.

However, I’m a bit stumped right now with on_query_completions. It works, but it seems to be suppressing all other word completions. I didn’t pass any kind of flag. Anybody know what’s going on here? I’m still on build 3126 if that matters.



Ok after some experimenting, it seems the completions start bugging out if I return a trigger string that contains a dot.

For example

class CompletionListener(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
    def on_query_completions(self, view, prefix, locations):
        return [["obj.me1", "obj.method1()"]]

The completion itself works but kills all normal word completions. Seems like a bug?


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Ok good, it’s a known bug. I’ll simply have to avoid non-accepted characters for now.